SiGMA市场报告展示了东欧的趋势和洞察 SiGMA全球报告详细审查了东欧的在线博彩市场,重点关注营销策略和监管发展。报告识别了该地区的领先运营商和代理伙伴,指出Flutter在市值方面的主导地位,并讨论了最近的并购活动,同时强调了适应新法规对于持续行业增长的重要性。
塞浦路斯国家博彩管理局宣布十月安全博彩宣传活动 塞浦路斯国家博彩管理局(NBA)宣布将于10月7日至13日开展为期一周的安全博彩宣传活动。此次活动的主题是“安全是每场游戏中的真正英雄”,旨在教育公众了解赌博的潜在有害后果,并为那些可能需要帮助的人提供资源。
Global economy faces warning following decline of gambling stocks Forbes has cast a spotlight on the gambling industry, specifically in a report focusing on four major gambling stocks that have hit new lows. This development is more than just a fluctuation in the market; but it is a clear negative indicator for the economy as a whole. The rationale behind this assertion lies in the nature of the gambling industry itself. The report explains that because the gambling industry is so heavily dependent on discretionary spending, it raises red flags about the overall health of the economy when it faces challenges.
Mohegan 任命 Joseph Hasson 为首席运营官(COO) 全球知名的综合娱乐度假村开发商 Mohegan (莫希根)正式任命 Joseph J. Hasson 为首席运营官(COO),该任命尚待监管部门批准。Hasson 自四月起担任临时 COO,此次任命巩固了他在公司战略方向中的领导地位。